🎆Firework Effects

This topic has been separated as it is a bit longer and could not fit in 1 or 2 lines in the Custom Parameters section.

A FireworkEffect has 5 properties

type (FireworkType): The type of shape that the firework effect will have. (You can see all types here)

flicker (boolean) : If activated, it will cause the fireworks to flicker.

trail (boolean): If activated, the firework will have a trail.

color (hex color): The primary color of fireworks (See how to get the hex color here)

fadeColor (hex color): The diffused color that the firework will have. (See how to get the hex color here)

The format in which a firework effect is applied is as follows:

    action_type: SPAWN_ENTITY
    entity: FIREWORK
      firework_effects: #type;flicker;trail;color;fadeColor
        - 'BURST;true;true;#FF50C7;#6550FF'
        - ... #You can add more effects if you wish.

Last updated