Cube (Deprecated)
Discover the types of events available with which you can interact.
This event no longer exists in the plugin.
Use it correctly in such an event: CUBE
%cube_id% - the id of the cube.
%cube_size% - cube size in number of blocks (if there is some kind of error with the cube it will give as size -1).
%cube_remaining_blocks% - the number of blocks remaining for the cube to be filled. (if there is some kind of error with the cube it will give as size -1).
%cube_is_full% - shows true if the cube has been filled otherwise false
%cube_is_finish% - shows true if the cube countdown has been completed otherwise false
%cube_current_time% - The current time being counted down.
%cube_total_time% - The start time of the countdown.
%cube_is_cancelled% - Returns true if the cube countdown has been canceled.
Last updated