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This Event works for Tiktok and StreamLabs livestreams.
Use it correctly in such an event: GIFT
%gift_name% - name of the gift sent by the user
%gift_amount% - amount of gifts sent by the user
%gift_id% - the ID of the gift sent by the user
%gift_describe% - the description of the gift sent by the user (This is a text that appears below the gifts displayed in tiktok).
%gift_diamonds% - amount of diamonds cost of the gift sent by the user
%gift_repeat_count% - Shows the number of times the same gift sent by the user has been repeated.
%gift_repeat_end% - Shows true
if the gift sent by the player is repeated and already ended.
%type% - Displays the type of stream the event is.
%gift_name% - It will always be "Donation" because this event is executed when a donation is made by StreamLabs.
%gift_amount% - amount of the donation sent by the user.
%gift_id% - ID of the donation sent by the user.
%message% - Displays the message that has been sent along with the donation.
%type% - Displays the type of stream the event is.
Last updated