Gesture properties

These are the properties that you can use when configuring a gesture:

    display_name: "Gesture Name"
    permission: "magicgestures.gestures.new_gesture"
    font: ''
    can-move: false
    move-speed: 0.10
    cosmetic: 'cosmeticId'
      head: "oraxen:item_id_1:" #The item ID of the Oraxen item
      left: "itemsadder:item_id_2:" #The item ID of the ItemsAdder item
      right: "vanilla:STONE:-1:false" #The name of the material, the CustomModelData and finally if the item will have glow
      start: magicgestures.gestures.sus_start
      idle: magicgestures.gestures.sus_idle
      end: magicgestures.gestures.sus_end

display_name: The name that the gesture will have in the menu

permission: The permission needed by the player to access this gesture.

font: This font will represent the gesture icon in all menus.

can-move: this option will decide whether your gesture will move or not.

move-speed: this option will apply the movement speed of your gesture if it can move.

cosmetic: If this option is set it will make the gesture unusable until they have the cosmetic id equipped.

equipment: This option allows you to set default items in the available slots.

animations: start: this option defines the start animation (can be omitted) idle: this option defines the idle animation (cannot be omitted) end: this option defines the ending animation (can be omitted)

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