Type of cosmetics

Here you will discover all the types of cosmetics that are available.

At the moment we have 5 different types of cosmetics.


This cosmetic makes use of your helmet slot, but this does not imply that you cannot wear a helmet and a hat at the same time ;)


This cosmetic does not make use of any inventory slots. It is an entity mounted on the player's head that carries the item from the backpack... ingenious isn't it?

Off Hand:

This cosmetic is similar to the hat in that it occupies the off hand slot, however you can have your off hand cosmetic and your item at the same time.


The balloons were a little tricky at first. once you get the hang of them they become easy. It's simple, you float an invisible entity with an item on its head that represents the balloon attached to a rope you carry.


The sprays were one of the last cosmetics to be made. It wasn't really in our plans to do it but people were asking for it so it was a given that it had to be. The sprays work as simply as that, it is a colored map inside a frame or an item inside a frame. It's that simple!



NOTE: All the description is based only on the plugin features without its support of other plugins.

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