Creating a backpack starts to become a bit more tedious and more so when it comes to first-person backpacks.
This is how a normal backpack is created:
cosmetic file:
permission: 'cosmetics.creeper_backpack'
display: '&bCreeper backpack'
- ''
- '&aSupport the creepers!'
unbreakable: true
glow: false
hide-attributes: true
modeldata: 10003 #model data from the backpack that everyone will see.
colored: true
type: BAG
distance: 100 #distance to where the players can see the backpack.
BlockBench file:\
This is how a first person backpack is created:
cosmetic file:
permission: 'cosmetics.creeper_backpack'
display: '&bCreeper backpack'
- ''
- '&aSupport the creepers!'
unbreakable: true
glow: false
hide-attributes: true
modeldata: 10003 #model data from the backpack that everyone will see.
for-me: 10031 #If this path is set, this item or modeldata will be displayed for the player who is using it, while the others will see the one that is already set. Remember, this path can use either number(modeldata) or id(itemsadder)
colored: true
type: BAG
distance: 100 #distance to where the players can see the backpack.
height: 3 #This is the height at which the backpack item will be set for the player himself.
BlockBench file:
Finally, it remains to show the last option for the backpack:
space: 30 #if the player's yaw exceeds this number the backpack disappears and if not it will not be visible again (only affects the client and not others) If you don't want the backpack to disappear when its yaw changes, delete this path or leave it at 0.
Edit mode - Check Position
Display mode - Check Y Position
Edit Mode - Check Position
Display Mode - Position
Here it still does not exceed the space it was given.
Here the space has already passed, so only the backpack will be invisible to the player who is wearing it, once he/she looks up again and does not exceed the number, it will be returned.