Commands and Permissions
Find the commands you are looking for along with their permissions.
The format goes like this: /command
| permission - description.
/magicavatar reload
| magicavatar.reload - reloads the configuration.
/magicavatar update
| magicavatar.update - Updates the player's skin to the current one.
/magicavatar update <player>
| magicavatar.update.others - Updates the skin of the player you select to the one he currently has.
/magicavatar set <skinName/url>
| magicavatar.set - sets a new skin for your avatar (only works for heads at the moment), if you use a url it will set an image to your personal image.
/magicavatar set <player> <skinName/url>
| magicavatar.set.others - sets a new skin of the selected player for his avatar (only works for heads at the moment), if you use a url it will set an image to his personal image.
/magicavatar or /magicavatar help
| - If you do not have the permission added, it will show you a default help and if you have the permission it will show you a more administrative help, you can change this in the config.
Last updated